
New Technology

EL (Electroluminescent) sign was the greatest invention in signage industry 10 years ago, but no one could develop on going research to eliminate heat sink issue. But now, EL Display Sign use new COLD Lighting technology to eliminate heat sink problems from past history by ongoing development for sign industry.


Reasonable Price

EL sign used to be known as an expensive production branding / advertising signage solution. But now, EL Display Sign has been developed with better quality with better temperature and layer control from fast and perfect manufacturing process. We guarantee on the lowest production price on any customized EL sign.


Any size, Any Shape

Better quality does not mean that it only works on small sized poster/banner. Our EL signs have NO LIMIT on size production. Simply, attach each divided large sized poster/banner provides flawless edge connection. Edges can be shaped based on your requested customized Logo, Brands or Products.


Mass Production

No one could have imagined on Mass Production of EL signage due to the high production price, but TOHO manufacture has developed new technology on production line with improved mass production controls. Manufacturing process has never been simpler. Simply, let us know your goal, we can fulfill any of your requests.

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